Building long-term
investment portfolios,
aligned with your goals.

  • Are you a do-it-yourself investor? Get a second opinion portfolio review to make sure you are on the right track to achieve your goals. Learn more.

  • Learn about the advantages of a managed account (such as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA)) from an experienced and independent fiduciary.

  • Have a special request? Need answers to your specific questions? Learn more about consulting services here.

Herrick Lake Investments LLC | 1155 S. Washington St, #105 | Naperville, IL 60540

HLI Advantages:

Here are examples of why people choose HLI over other solutions:

  • As an independent advisor, I am never forced to push any corporate products or strategies, and I never receive commissions for selling anything. My goal is to get you the best and most appropriate solutions possible.

  • I have a deep background and education in investments and finance. And I enjoy working with people to help them achieve their goals. You can learn more about my background here.

  • As a fiduciary, I am legally obligated to act in your best interest. This is different than many “financial advisors” you may come across who are held to a lower standard.

  • Trust is earned over time. I encourage you to follow me on social media: @realmarkhines (X), hinesmarkd (LinkedIn), continue reading this website, and call/email to get more information and/or to discuss.

  • HLI is uniquely able to meet you where you’re at. Clients have the option to open a managed account (such as an IRA or taxabe brokerage account) or simply receive a porfolio review and DIY financial advice (that they can then go implement on their own).

Managed Accounts:

Stocks | Bonds | ETFs | Retirement Accounts | Tax Considerations | Investment Strategies

For disciplined, goal-focused, long-term investors.

Get a Portfolio Review:

A portfolio review is an investment checkup and strategy session, for do-it-yourself investors, designed to get you on track to achieving your goals.

The engagement typically consists of the followng five (5) phases:

  • This complimentary initial discussion (typically ~20 minutes) is to share information and to determine whether working together makes sense.

  • Before the review and formal discussions can begin, you must complete an online risk tolerance quiz, share information about your current holdings (preferably account statements) via secure upload, and sign an investment advisor agreement (electronically).

  • Once the document gathering is complete, I will prepare an investment snapshot report to give you a consolidated look at how your current investments are working together and to help facilitate our formal discussions.

  • When the formal discussion period begins (i.e. once we start communicating, after you have received your “investment snapshot”) you will recieve up to 2 hours of consultations and discussions (over a 2-3 week period) to be completed in-person, via zoom video conference, over the phone and/or through email exchanges. We will review your current investments and discuss strategies relevant to your individual situation.

  • After the formal discussion period, you will receive an observations and recommendations letter/email from me, based on your current situation, and to help you achieve your specific goals. You will be billed at this time.

  • Up to 1 hour of additional discussion (at no extra cost) is available after the final recommendation has been completed.

Herrick Lake Investments LLC (HLI) is an independent and fiduciary RIA (registered investment advisor) based out of Naperville, Illinois, and with clients across the US. Understanding your unique situation and needs is a prerequisite to working together.

About Mark Hines: I founded HLI to help you prepare for, and transition into, the next phase of financial well-being. I am a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (BS, Finance) and the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business (MBA). I have worked in the investments industry since 2004, and I look forward to working with you.

Outside of work, I enjoy volunteering and exploring the beautiful local forest preserves.

hinesmarkd (LinkedIn)
@realmarkhines (Twitter)

Let’s Talk:

Please complete the form below, and I’ll get back to you soon with more information. Or call: 630-581-8119.

Disciplined, goal-focused, long-term investing.